FlashPoint Chicago Today & Tomorrow
to: Around the Father's Table
Around The Father's Table
Faith, Payer and Praise
According to the Bible, specifically in Romans 10:9-10, it is written: “That if you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’
and believe in your heart that God raised
him from the dead, you will be saved."
Pray and ask Holy Spirit to convict your heart and change you and ask the Lord Jesus lead you to be baptized.
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About Around the Father's Table
Join us 'Around the Father's Table', where ALL are welcome. We know and follow our Shepherd's voice. We learn and pass on his teachings, we stand on them and praise him.
In John 14:6 NIV The Lord Jesus reminds us"6 Jesus answered,
“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
originally posted at: https://thestoryfilm.com/
Is there hope for the world? This story says there is.
Is there hope for the world? This story says there is.
According to the Bible, specifically in Romans 10:9-10, it is written: “That if you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."
original excerpt from : https://lohchurch.org/get-to-know-jesus/
Get To Know our Lord Jesus Christ And Let The Lord Lead You
"As you get to know Jesus take this opportunity to make the Lord the Center of your Life. Ask him into your heart and allow Holy Spirit to lead you. "If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."-Romans 10:9 Excerpts from Lord of Hosts Church "Knowing Jesus is more than going to church. It’s knowing a person! Jesus is the only relationship and focal point that will provide true fulfillment in life. This is because He is our only bridge to God, and without God, we have no hope.
We are born without hope because the Bible says, “For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard” (Romans 3:23). No matter how good we try to be, we can never measure up to the perfect standard of God who does not endorse sin of any kind. Therefore, we were destined to be judged guilty and eternally separated from God (eternal death). Again, the Bible says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23).
The good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved. He accomplished this 2,000 years ago when He was born in a humble manger, lived a sinless life, and then died a sinner’s death on the cross in our place. His innocent shed blood washed us clean in God’s eyes. Jesus was resurrected so that now, through faith, we can also be resurrected to a new life and therefore become a whole new creation! (See 2 Corinthians 5:17.) To put your trust in Jesus, simply ask Him to forgive your sins and invite Him into your heart. Give your entire life into His care! Are you ready to know Jesus in a personal way and accept Him as Savior? "
Then pray a prayer of faith outloud "Lord Jesus,
I know You died for my sins. I believe it with all my heart and today I put my trust in You. Forgive my sins, wash me clean in Your precious blood. I give my life to You. I give You my dreams, my hopes, failures, and pain. I place my life into Your hands. Make me a brand-new person as You have promised, and in return I promise to follow You with my whole heart.
In Your Name Lord Jesus I pray, amen."
More important information below:
Courtesy: https://lohchurch.org/get-to-know-jesus/
"WATER BAPTISMNow that you have prayed to know Jesus personally, the Bible teaches the next step in our walk with God is called water baptism. Water baptism is a biblical ordinance given to us by our Lord Jesus Christ. The word “baptism” comes from the Greek word BAPTIZO which means to plunge into or submerge. It’s an action that means to be totally submerged in water. Baptism isn’t what saves us, but rather it’s an outward expression showing that our old life has been buried with Christ as we are submerged in the water. As we come up from the water, we show that we are raised with Him into a new life. Baptism expresses outwardly what we have received within and is therefore a defining moment in our faith."
email us at AroundtheFathersTable@myyahoo.com and we will help you on your next steps. Or visit a wonderful online/inperson church https://lohchurch.org/get-to-know-jesus/
Watch and share the films that tell the greatest story in the world.
originally posted at https://spreadtruth.com/resources/
Video and images from: https://amillionwomen.org/
'The Esther Call to the Mall' in Washington D.D.-October 12th 2024
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