Watch the video below
Do you have a Biblical Worldview?
"Our Mission
Throughout our history, American pastors & churches have played a vital role in the establishment and preservation of religious and civil liberty.
Being “salt & light” requires knowledge of the culture we are attempting to preserve and influence as we fulfill the Great Commission and “make disciples of all nations.”
Being Biblical Citizens requires a knowledge of Biblical principles and how to apply them to the world around us. You and your church can be the catalyst for restoring Biblical values in your neighborhood, State, and Nation."
Excerpts from: https://www.patriotacademy.com/pastor/
Now let's help you get equipped to articulate it
Excerpts from: https://www.patriotacademy.com/biblicalcitizenship/

re: Biblical Citizenship Course
Helpful links below
Links to Patriot Academy & Salt & Light Council

Watch the video below
Do you have a Biblical Worldview?
"Our Mission
Throughout our history, American pastors & churches have played a vital role in the establishment and preservation of religious and civil liberty.
Being “salt & light” requires knowledge of the culture we are attempting to preserve and influence as we fulfill the Great Commission and “make disciples of all nations.”
Being Biblical Citizens requires a knowledge of Biblical principles and how to apply them to the world around us. You and your church can be the catalyst for restoring Biblical values in your neighborhood, State, and Nation."
Excerpts from: https://www.patriotacademy.com/pastor/
Now let's help you get equipped to articulate it
Excerpts from: https://www.patriotacademy.com/biblicalcitizenship/

re: Biblical Citizenship Course
Helpful links below
Below videos originally posted at:
The Salt & Light Council
Find out about The Salt & Light Council & how to do your part to help add a Civics ministries
Links to Patriot Academy & Salt & Light Council