Spiritual Wisdom
Have you been Saved?
According to the Bible, specifically in Romans 10:9-10, it is written: “That if you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Read on below
And pray and ask God to lead
you to be baptized. ​
There are many ways to help one on their spiritual path. The best way is to learn the wisdom, parables and stories of the bible. A trusted church that is filled with the Holy Spirit can help you on your journey. We also recommend a wise mentor to help guide you along. Another important way (contrary to some religions) is to learn is to read the the Holy Bible itself ( also referred to as the Bible) and let the Lord speak to you in his own way. Many individuals start with Genesis which is the beginning of the Old Testament. Others start with the New Testament (which includes the Gospel of Jesus Christ also known as the Good News) then read it till the end and then start back with the beginning of the Old Testament till they end of where they started. We recommend starting with the Good News. There are also tools online to help you better absorb the information, stories and wisdom. There are many resources out there to help you on your spiritual path including video, audio and written. Check out the links to the various video series below on the Bible.
There are many ways to help one on their spiritual path to help us better find out who God is and how he LOVES us all. The best way is to pray and then learn the wisdom, parables and stories of the Holy bible. A trusted church that is filled with the Holy Spirit can help you on your journey. We also recommend a wise mentor to help guide you along. Another important way (contrary to some religions) is to learn to read the Holy Bible itself ( also referred to as the Bible). Again pray and let the Lord speak to you in his own way.
"The Bible was originally written in Hebrew and Greek. One of the earliest translations to English was the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible, but today we have a variety of versions to choose from. Some translations focus on being more precise and are best for Bible study, while others focus on readability and are great for devotions.
If you’re a beginner, we recommend the New Living Translation (NLT), or a study Bible in the English Standard Version (ESV) or New International Version (NIV). The NLT version of the Bible is most readable while still being literal in its translation; the Study Bibles contain footnotes that explain difficult to understand passages of Scripture. "
How to Look up Scripture
an example of a favorite would be: John 3:16
There is a great tutorial below from: Miacademy Learning Channel also here
Check out the links to the various video series below on the Bible.
excerpt & video originally posted at Miacademy Learning Channel at https://youtu.be/8UJ7Kr0B6mI
It's about a personal relationship with Jesus
some videos originally posted at Bibleproject.com
James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
some videos originally posted at Bibleproject.com
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some videos originally posted at Bibleproject.com
Romans 10:9 "9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."
some videos originally posted at Bibleproject.com
Check out : Why Jesus Told Parables (and How You Can Understand Them) from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XX-aAg4_U2Q
Jesus is alive and waiting for your to seek him
Charlton Heston Presents The Bible | From Genesis To The Passion | Parable courtesy :Parable - Religious History Documentaries
Charlton Heston Presents the Bible | "The Word" Clip | Warner Bros. Entertainment
If video does not play visit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vhh3gMsaLSs
#ReligiousHistoryDocumentary #Parable #CharltonHestonThe Oscar-winning actor Charlton Heston serves as biblical storyteller at an ancient Roman amphitheater and other locales in Israel in this epic series. Sit back and relax as Heston, who famously played Moses in the Ten Commandments, magnificently brings the King James text to life in the most remarkable of locations.
There are many tools online to assist you in your understanding of the Bible. Many require subsciptions or payment but there are some out there that provide these tools for free. Check out LibriVox Acoustical liberation of books in the public domain
There are also many online sources to read the Bible electronically online. Check out Bible Gateway there are also various versions of the Bible- but to help you on your spiritual path we recommend the NIV version also known as the (The New International Version) which you may find easier to read then some of the others. More here from: https://www.biblegateway.com/
Get To Know our Lord Jesus Christ and Let The Lord Lead You
Get to know Jesus Christ,
The man on the middle cross
originally posted at: https://spreadtruth.com/resources/
"As you get to know Jesus take this opportunity to make the Lord the Center of your Life. Ask him into your heart and allow Holy Spirit to lead you. "If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."-Romans 10:9 Excerpts from Lord of Hosts Church "Knowing Jesus is more than going to church. It’s knowing a person! Jesus is the only relationship and focal point that will provide true fulfillment in life. This is because He is our only bridge to God, and without God, we have no hope.
We are born without hope because the Bible says, “For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard” (Romans 3:23). No matter how good we try to be, we can never measure up to the perfect standard of God who does not endorse sin of any kind. Therefore, we were destined to be judged guilty and eternally separated from God (eternal death). Again, the Bible says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23).
The good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved. He accomplished this 2,000 years ago when He was born in a humble manger, lived a sinless life, and then died a sinner’s death on the cross in our place. His innocent shed blood washed us clean in God’s eyes. Jesus was resurrected so that now, through faith, we can also be resurrected to a new life and therefore become a whole new creation! (See 2 Corinthians 5:17.) To put your trust in Jesus, simply ask Him to forgive your sins and invite Him into your heart. Give your entire life into His care! Are you ready to know Jesus in a personal way and accept Him as Savior? "
Then pray a prayer of faith outloud "Lord Jesus,
I know You died for my sins. I believe it with all my heart and today I put my trust in You. Forgive my sins, wash me clean in Your precious blood. I give my life to You. I give You my dreams, my hopes, failures, and pain. I place my life into Your hands. Make me a brand-new person as You have promised, and in return I promise to follow You with my whole heart.
In Your Name I pray, amen." More important information below:
"WATER BAPTISMNow that you have prayed to know Jesus personally, the Bible teaches the next step in our walk with God is called water baptism. Water baptism is a biblical ordinance given to us by our Lord Jesus Christ. The word “baptism” comes from the Greek word BAPTIZO which means to plunge into or submerge. It’s an action that means to be totally submerged in water. Baptism isn’t what saves us, but rather it’s an outward expression showing that our old life has been buried with Christ as we are submerged in the water. As we come up from the water, we show that we are raised with Him into a new life. Baptism expresses outwardly what we have received within and is therefore a defining moment in our faith."
Please note there is more important formation below the spanish translation section
Spanish Translation below
Hay muchas maneras de ayudar a uno en su camino espiritual para ayudarnos a descubrir mejor quién es Dios y cómo nos AMA a todos. La mejor manera es aprender la sabiduría, las parábolas y las historias de la Santa Biblia. Una iglesia de confianza que esté llena del Espíritu Santo puede ayudarte en tu viaje. También recomendamos un mentor sabio para que te guíe. Otra forma importante (contrariamente a algunas religiones) es aprender es leer la Santa Biblia (también conocida como la Biblia), orar y dejar que el Señor te hable a su manera. "La Biblia fue escrita originalmente en hebreo y griego. Una de las primeras traducciones al inglés fue la versión King James (KJV) de la Biblia, pero hoy en día tenemos una variedad de versiones para elegir. Algunas traducciones se enfocan en ser más precisas y son mejores para el estudio de la Biblia, mientras que otras se enfocan en la legibilidad y son excelentes para los devocionales.Si eres un principiante, te recomiendo la Nueva Traducción Viviente (NTV), o una Biblia de estudio en la Versión Estándar en Inglés (ESV) o la Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI). La versión NTV de la Biblia es más legible sin dejar de ser literal en su traducción; las Biblias de Estudio contienen notas al pie de página que explican pasajes de las Escrituras difíciles de entender. "
Conozca a nuestro Señor Jesucristo y deje que el Señor lo guíe
"A medida que conozcas a Jesús, aprovecha esta oportunidad para hacer del Señor el centro de tu vida. Pídele que entre en tu corazón y permite que el Espíritu Santo te guíe. "Si declaras con tu boca: Jesús es el Señor, y crees en tu corazón que Dios lo levantó de entre los muertos, serás salvo." -Romanos 10:9 Extractos de la Iglesia del Señor de los Ejércitos "Conocer a Jesús es más que ir a la iglesia. ¡Es conocer a una persona! Jesús es la única relación y punto focal que proporcionará verdadera realización en la vida. Esto se debe a que Él es nuestro único puente hacia Dios, y sin Dios, no tenemos esperanza. Nacemos sin esperanza porque la Biblia dice: "Porque todos pecaron; todos estamos destituidos de la gloriosa norma de Dios" (Romanos 3:23). No importa cuán buenos tratemos de ser, nunca podremos estar a la altura del estándar perfecto de Dios que no respalda el pecado de ningún tipo.Por lo tanto, estábamos destinados a ser juzgados culpables y eternamente separados de Dios (muerte eterna). De nuevo, la Biblia dice: "Porque la paga del pecado es muerte, pero la dádiva de Dios es vida eterna en Cristo Jesús Señor nuestro" (Romanos 6:23). La buena noticia es que Jesús abrió un camino para que seamos salvos. Él logró esto hace 2.000 años cuando nació en un humilde pesebre, vivió una vida sin pecado, y luego murió como un pecador en la cruz en nuestro lugar. Su sangre inocente derramada nos limpió a los ojos de Dios. ¡Jesús resucitó para que ahora, a través de la fe, nosotros también podamos resucitar a una nueva vida y, por lo tanto, convertirnos en una creación completamente nueva! (Véase 2 Corintios 5:17.) Para poner tu confianza en Jesús, simplemente pídele que perdone tus pecados e invítalo a entrar en tu corazón. ¡Entrega toda tu vida a Su cuidado! ¿Estás listo para conocer a Jesús de una manera personal y aceptarlo como Salvador?"
Luego reza una oración de fe en voz alta: "Señor Jesús,
Sé que moriste por mis pecados. Lo creo con todo mi corazón y hoy pongo mi confianza en Ti. Perdona mis pecados, lávame en Tu preciosa sangre. Te entrego mi vida. Te doy mis sueños, mis esperanzas, mis fracasos y mi dolor. Pongo mi vida en Tus manos. Hazme una persona nueva como lo has prometido, y a cambio prometo seguirte con todo mi corazón. En Tu Nombre te lo ruego, amén".
Más información importante a continuación:
"BAUTISMO EN AGUAComo usted ha orado para conocer a Jesús personalmente, la Biblia enseña que el siguiente paso en nuestro caminar con Dios se llama bautismo en agua. El bautismo en agua es una ordenanza bíblica que nos ha dado nuestro Señor Jesucristo. La palabra "bautismo" proviene de la palabra griega BAPTIZO que significa sumergirse o sumergirse.Es una acción que significa estar totalmente sumergido en el agua. El bautismo no es lo que nos salva, sino que es una expresión externa que muestra que nuestra vieja vida ha sido enterrada con Cristo mientras estamos sumergidos en el agua. Al salir del agua, mostramos que hemos sido resucitados con Él a una nueva vida. El bautismo expresa exteriormente lo que hemos recibido en nuestro interior y, por lo tanto, es un momento decisivo en nuestra fe.
Tu nueva vida en Cristo
Una vez que has llegado a conocer a Jesús personalmente, hay un proceso de crecimiento y desarrollo para que tu relación con Dios florezca. Si bien Dios ya te conoce, es importante que aprendas acerca de Él de una manera más profunda. Hay cuatro ingredientes principales que harán que tu relación con Dios sea exitosa. Son como una mesa de "cuatro patas" que proporcionará un apoyo firme y estable. Oración, leer la Biblia, involucrarse en una buena iglesia y desarrollar amigos cristianos"
Si hiciste esa oración, comunícate con nosotros, ya que nos encantaría ayudarte a crecer en tu relación con el Señor. Ahora alaba al Señor y dale gracias por todo lo que ha hecho por ti. Extractos del sitio web de la Iglesia del Señor de los Ejércitos
Tu nueva vida en Cristo
Una vez que has llegado a conocer a Jesús personalmente, hay un proceso de crecimiento y desarrollo para que tu relación con Dios florezca. Si bien Dios ya te conoce, es importante que aprendas acerca de Él de una manera más profunda. Hay cuatro ingredientes principales que harán que tu relación con Dios sea exitosa. Son como una mesa de "cuatro patas" que proporcionará un apoyo firme y estable. Oración, leer la Biblia, involucrarse en una buena iglesia y desarrollar amigos cristianos"
Si hiciste esa oración, comunícate con nosotros, ya que nos encantaría ayudarte a crecer en tu relación con el Señor. Ahora alaba al Señor y dale gracias por todo lo que ha hecho por ti.
Échales un vistazo https://lohchurch.org/get-to-know-jesus/
"Your New Life In Christ
Once you have come to know Jesus personally, there is a growth and development process for your relationship with God to flourish. While God already knows you, it’s important that you learn about Him in a deeper way. There are four main ingredients that will make your relationship with God successful. They are like a “four-legged” table that will provide firm and stable support.
Prayer, Read the Bible, Get Involved in a Good Church & Develop Christian Friends"
If you prayed that prayer, reach out to us as we would love to help you grow in your relationship with the Lord.
Now Praise the Lord and Thank him for all he has done for you. Excerpts from Lord of Hosts Church website
Check them out here . Courtesy: https://lohchurch.org/get-to-know-jesus/
Lord of Hosts Church led by Pastor Hank Kunneman -they also offer online services as well check them out here
Many Excerpts courtesy of : Lord of Hosts Church https://lohchurch.org/worship-with-us/#watch-online & https://hankandbrenda.org/hank-kunneman/
Excerpt from:
Video from Miacademy Learning Channel: https://youtu.be/8UJ7Kr0B6mI?si=-MFwYUEK3jxWcisK
Video below originally posted at: https://li6w.com/
Check out Propaganda’s spoken word version of Life in 6 Words!
Please note 'Around the Father's Table' is not affiliated with nor familiar with the entire collection from Bible Project nor Miacademy Learning Channel & do not recommend any content that might go against a true Biblical world view teachings if any exist. We have found many of their videos & tools to be very helpful tools in learning the Bible. Thank you