photos videos and excerpt originally posted at: https://rfia.org/#LearnMore
Take the First Freedom Challenge and Help Bring Back Public Expressions of Faith
photos videos and excerpt originally posted at: https://rfia.org/#LearnMore
As a result of the Kennedy decision at the Supreme Court, cities all over the country can once again display monuments like the 10 Commandments and religious symbols like Crosses, Nativities and Menorahs.
Throughout December, we’re challenging people of faith from coast-to-coast to post pictures on their social media of Nativity Scenes and Menorahs that are publicly displayed."
And when you post, be sure to tag First Liberty by using the hashtags #FirstFreedomChallenge, #RestoringFaithInAmerica and #FirstLiberty

Photos and excerpts originally posted at https://rfia.org/share/

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Restoring Faith In America has sharable images for social media & more resources- be sure to check them out!
#FirstFreedomChallenge #RestoringFaithInAmerica #FirstLiberty
Photo and excerpt originally posted at https://concernedwomen.org/faith-month/
"CWA celebrates "Faith Month" each April by flying our Christian flag. “Join Concerned Women for America as we celebrate Faith Month in April each year – and raise your Christian flag in honor of faith and freedom.” -Penny Nance, CEO and President"

Around the Father's Table Joins Patriot Academy in Celebrating Constitution day Sept 17th annually
( as well as US Constitution week which usually runs from Sept 17th - 23rd)
#FirstFreedomChallenge, #RestoringFaithInAmerica and #FirstLiberty #PatriotAcademy #FaithMonth
Get more important resources from https://rfia.org/resources/
All honor praise and glory goes to our Heavenly Father directly thru our Lord Jesus Christ to him be the glory forever