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Prayer Hub

excerpt, photo and video originally posted at:

Prayer Hub Invite from Jenny

Her Voice MVMT Founder, Jenny Donnelly, invites you to grab your family and friends and start a Prayer Hub! Check out this 3 minute video to hear how easy it is to get started and find all our resources.

video plus image and excerpts originally posted at:


Her Voice MVMT is committed to seeing America turned back to God through united prayer, fasting, and taking a stand in the public square for righteousness and truth. That’s just what we did on April 13, 2024, in every state capitol! Watch as thousands of Christians took to their capitals to say enough is enough, don’t mess with our kids!"

Watch more videos here

They are doing it again, but this time the moms are gathering on the holiday of the 'Day of Atonement' from the Bible

"The Lord is summoning A Million Women, Esthers, young and old with their husbands and children to gather to the Washington DC Mall October 12, the Day of Atonement, in a LAST STAND moment for America. Join a million women on the Mall in 
Washington, DC on October 12th, 2024."

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